Where is Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) for cardiac, now we find ourselves towards the start of the “post-COVID19” era? Where is the data taking us? How do we turn our principles into everyday practice?
This piece originally contained the “Cardiac enhanced recovery – essential update | EBPOM Chicago” presentation from our panelist Mike Grant. Listeners are advised to follow this link if they’ve not yet heard that essential talk: https://topmedtalk.libsyn.com/cardiac-enhanced-recovery-essential-update-ebpom-chicago
Presented and Chaired by Vicki Morton, Director of Clinical and Quality Outcomes, Providence Anesthesiology Associates, with panelists; Mike Grant, Medical Co-Director, Cardiovascular Surgical ICU, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Amanda Rea, Lead of Advanced Practice For Cardiac Surgery, University of Maryland, Rakesh Arora, Medical Director, Cardiac Surgery and Intensive Care Cardiac Sciences, St Boniface General Hospital and Marjan Jahangiri, Professor of Cardiac Surgery, St George’s University Hospital.