August 14, 2020

AANA 2020 | Suicide Prevention in Anesthesia: CRNAs and SRNAs


“Our job is to tell them; there is another solution … there’s another way to solve this problem and I can help you”

This piece takes a bold and honest look at suicide in anesthesia, although it has a US set of contributors the issues here are to do with everyone in healthcare. TopMedTalk is keen to promote the fact help is available, please seek it out if you are concerned you might be affected by these issues.

AANA Peer Assistance Helpline: 1 800 654 5167 National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-talk (8255)

How does the tactic of Question Persuade Refer (QPR) work? Should we directly discuss suicide with colleagues? What are the basic causes of this complicated problem? Can we simplify our approach by being more direct and honest? What does the evidence tell us is the best way to deal with the situation?

Presented by Desiree Chappell with her guests Catherine Horvath DNP, CRNA, Assistant Professor and Program Director of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurse Anesthesiology Track at Johns Hopkins School Of Nursing, Baltimore MD, Chuck Griffiths, PhD, CRNA, USC, Assistant Clinical Professor at the UCLA School of Nursing, Faculty, USC Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia Practice Program and Fara Lekhnych, MSN, CRNA, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore.